Cooktop Cove: 10+ things in your house you never thought to clean but should
By Angela Brown
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your cleaning prowess? If you spend your Saturdays scrubbing down walls, dusting, vacuuming and cleaning toilets, you might think your cleaning routine is thorough. Is it possible you've been missing a few sneaky spots?
Keep reading to find out which spots you're most likely to miss in your regular household cleaning routine so you can add them to your to-do list.
1. Vents
Clean your vents at least twice a year to remove dust and dirt buildup. Not only will they look better, but clean vents are especially important for people who have allergies.
2. Light switches
How many times have hands touched the light switches in your home? Germs spread whenever we touch something. Pay special attention to switches in the kitchen and the bathroom when cleaning.
3. Door handles
A 2005 study discovered that only 82% of people who used public restrooms washed their hands afterward, making door handles among the ickiest places in public to touch, according to Forbes. How confident are you that everyone who uses the restroom in your home always washes their hands? Make a point to sanitize the door handles at least twice a month.
4. Staircase railings
Staircase railings need special attention partially because of the constant contact with hands. Plus, if your family tosses jackets or backpacks over the railings (or you have an adventurous sort that likes to slide down the banister), even more germs lurk on the surface. Wipe down railings about once a month — more often in heavy-traffic areas.
5. Bathroom mats
Bathroom mats are easily overlooked, but dirty feet and water splashed from the toilet/tub add up to a lot of germs. Toss these into your washer once a week or so to remove bacteria.
6. Iron
Your iron likely isn't covered in germs, but the bottom could be coated in minerals and buildup. Cleaning your iron regularly will help it last longer. Check out this tutorial from Real Simple to get your iron sparkling clean.
7. Storage baskets
When's the last time you dusted off that storage basket where you keep your blankets or the kids' toys? Germs and dust can build up steadily here because of constant use. Wipe storage containers down at least once a month.
8. Vacuum
Does a cleaner need cleaning? Yes ... yes, it does. Your vacuum gets dusty and germy, plus the bottom drags dirt and germs around on a regular basis. Wipe down the vacuum handle at least once a month, change the filters every three months, and do a quick wash every few months, too.
9. Remote control
So many germs here! From grimy hands (sick-day TV for the win) and pets to falls on the floor and burial in the couch, your remote controls have plenty of exposure to germs. Sanitize your remote at least once a month and always after someone has been sick to keep germs from lingering.
10. Toothbrush holder
Of course, you toss your old toothbrush every four months like a good dental patient, but when's the last time you washed the toothbrush holder? Not only does the holder get icky from toothpaste and water splashes, but it also gets mighty germ-laden. Toss it in the dishwasher once a week for a quick clean.
11. Pillows
Wash your pillows at least once every six months. Your sweat, skin and drool make one icky mess. You can wash most pillows in the washing machine on a gentle cycle. Avoid annoying lumps by air-drying your pillow. Wash your pillowcases at least once a month.
12. Reusable grocery bags
You're being eco-conscious, and that's fantastic! But those reusable bags get gross. From food debris to germs from your hands, cart and trunk, those reusable bags need a little TLC. You can toss cloth bags right into the washer. Wash plastic bads down with soap and water by hand.
13. Ice maker
The ice maker is often the neglected portion of the fridge when it comes to regular cleaning. Over time, it becomes a nesting ground for bacteria. Remember, even the freshest ice cubes can start to feel stale or smell weird if you don't attend to the ice maker. Be sure to sanitize the ice maker at least twice a year to keep it in the best shape.
14. Hair brushes
It's not sufficient to just pull hair strands out of hair brushes as dust and bacteria still settle in between the bristles. Given how frequently hairbrushes are used, you'll want to shampoo your hair brushes and have them dry overnight at least once each month.
15. Showerhead
The showerhead is one of the most germ and grime ridden places. Just think that all that gunk can be going directly onto you when you shower! Be sure to clean the showerhead on a weekly basis. A standard bathroom cleaner will suffice. However, if you prefer to not scrub, you can also soak your showerhead in a plastic baggie filled with equal parts water and white vinegar for at least 15 minutes. This method will loosen any deposits, making clean up a breeze.
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